Open the brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Example: He (escape) from the museum when the police (catch) him.
He was escaping from the museum when the police caught him.
– Он сбегал из музея, когда полиция схватила его.

1. The thief (carry) the painting off down the stairwell when the police (arrest) him.
2. The guard (leave) his post when somebody (break) into the building.
3. Tom (walk) down the street when a strange man (grab) him.
4. Kate (watch) the film about mysterious creatures when her mother (come) home.
5. Two men (fish) when suddenly they (see) something in the water.
6. He (shoot) pictures when it (start) raining.
7. The criminal (search) the house when he (find) a precious artwork.
8. Jane (sleep) when somebody (knock) on the door.
9. The boy (read) the book about famous explorers when his sister (call) him.
10. She (write) an email to her pen friend when the telephone (ring).


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