Раскройте скобки,употребив the Present, Past or Future Continuous Tense. Переведите.
He ( to prepare0 for his lessons at the moment.
What... you (to do) at 4 o clok yesterday?
While I ( to watch) TV, my friend (to read) a book.
Jane (to sleep) all day tomorrow.


Ответ дал: PakUna

He is preparing for his lessons at the moment. В данный момент, он готовится к урокам

What was you going at 4 o'clock yesterday? Что ты делал вчера в 4 часа?

While I watched TV, my friend read a book. В то време, когда я смотрел телевизор, мой друг читал книгу.

Jane will sleeping all day tomorrow. Джейн будет спать завтра весь день

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