Помогите СОР по Английскому 2 четверть 6 класс



Ответ дал: Аноним

1. Underline the correst answer.

1 — for

2 — since

3 — for

4 — since

5 — for

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 — did you go

2 — ate

3 — do you live

4 — saw

5 — didn't do

3. Rewrite the sentences. Add ever or never to each one

1. Have you ever played a musical instrument?

2. I've never won a music competition

3. Has Joanna ever written her own songs?

4. Have you ever lived in another country?

5. Jack has never played his guitar at a concert.

4. Underline the correct answer.

1 — ever

2 — been

3 — never

4 — haven't finished

5 — gone

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