A)in Past Simple :sleep(slept),be,get(got),clean(x2),go,have,do(did)x2 подставить в предложения I...........until nine-thirty and then. I........the house and ............the washing. David...........the car in the morning and we...........the shopping together in the afternoon.David...........very tired when we...........home,so he went to bed.In the evening I..........to the cinema with Katy and we............a great time. Bed at midnight.


Ответ дал: nunny

I...slept...until nine-thirty and then I..cleaned...the house and ..did....the washing. David..clean...the car in the morning and we...did...the shopping together in the afternoon.David...was....very tired when we...got....home,so he went to bed.In the evening I.went....to the cinema with Katy and we..had....a great time. Bed at midnight.

gkucerenko103: спасибо!
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