4. Fill in the blanks to complete sentences in Present perfect continuous, make them negative.
1. Emma__(to learn) English for 5 years.
2. My friend s__(to live) in this city since 2003.
3.1 __(to wait) for Danny for 20 minutes already.
4. Russel and Mike__(to travel) around Australia for 6 weeks.
5. Carol__(to exercise) in the gym since 2 o’clock.
6. You __(to watch) TV all day long.
7. Those men_ (to play) cards for 2 hours.
8. Girls__(to cycle) in the park since 10 a.m.
9. They__(to talk) on phone for 1 hour.
10. This book_ (to lie) on the floor for 2 days already.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 hasn’t been learning 2 hasn’t been living 3 haven’t been waiting 4 haven’t been travelling 5 hasn’t been exercising 6 haven’t been watching 7 haven’t been playing 8 haven’t been cycling 9 haven’t been talking 10 hasn’t been lying

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