помогите с этим заданием.



Ответ дал: vikatish

1. oldest

2. old

3. older

4. best

5. better

6. good

polina4465: спасибо большое
Ответ дал: nunny

Progress check

Check you can do these things.

1 I know when to use the comparative and the superlative.

Complete the dialogue with:

old older oldest good better best

A Who's the (1) oldest boy in your class?

B Tony.

A How (2) old is he?

B He's nearly twelve.

A Is he (3) older than Susan?

B No, he isn't. Susan's 12.

A And who's the (4) best at sport in your class?

B Becky. She's in the school netball team.

A Is she (5) better than you?

B Yes, she is. I'm not very (6) good at sport.

polina4465: спасибо большое
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