Задание #3,кто даст правильное решение дам 15балов


juliahalyamova81: Какая книга или тетрадь ?


Ответ дал: alelniki
2. How many apples are there in the fridge? -- Not many.
3. How many eggs are there in the fridge? - Not many.
4. How much sugar is there in the pot? -- Not much.
5. How much milk is there in the fridge? -- Not much.
6. How many biscuits are there in the box? -- Not many.
Ответ дал: mariia25
2)How many apples are in the fridge?
Not many.
3) How many eggs are in the fridge?
Not many.
4) How much sugar is in the pot?
Not much.
5)How much milk is in the fridge?
Not much.
6)How many biscuits are in the box?
Not many.
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