Поставьте глагол to be в одну из форм Simple:
1)...you happy in your new flat?
2)When the soup ... ready?
3)I … very busy at the beginning of June?
4)The weather ... nice today.
5)They … very tired yesterday.
6)… your brother a student a year ago?
7)She ... ill now.
8)Where … you last Friday?
9)All my family … at home tomorrow.
10)… she... at work tomorrow?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) Were you happy in your new flat?

2) When will the soup be ready? или When was the soup ready?

3) Will I be very busy at the beginning of June?

4) The weather is nice today.

5) They were very tired yesterday.

6) Was your brother a student a year ago?

7) She is ill now.

8) Where were you last Friday?

9) All my family will be at home tomorrow.

10) Will she be at work tomorrow?

kristichic: спасибо большое
Аноним: Good job
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