срочнооооо, очень нужно, плиззззззз



Ответ дал: aleshaskovorodka
  • 1) He used to spend his holidays by the sea.
  • 2) He didn't use to stay in a hotel.
  • 3) He used to play football on the beach.
  • 4) He used to swim in the sea.
  • 5) He didn't use to eat out in restaurants.
  • 6) He used to go to the cinema.
  • 7) He didn't use to ride a scooter.

Надеюсь, помог)

iralotikp3bh4d: Спасибо огромное !!!!♡
Ответ дал: скителZZZ

2. He  used to spend his holidays by the sea.

3. He didn't use to stay in a hostel.

4. He used to play football on the beach.

5. He used to swim in the sea.

6.He didn't use to eat out restaurants.

7.He used to go to the cinema.

8.He didn't use to ride a scooter.

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