Помогите пожалуйста!!!! Поменять на пассивные предложения



Ответ дал: tantal73
1)will be put
2)will be translated
3)when the paper will be corrected
4)will be met
5)will be sold
6)will be typed
7)will be opened
8)how many
9) will not be
10)will be taken
Ответ дал: KtotopoimeniKristina

1.the books wiil be on the shelf

2the article will be translated on the lesson

3when will the paper be corrected

4he will be meeted...

5the car will be selled...

6the document will be...

7the New disco opened...

8 how many...

9.this book will not be...

10.i think Mary will be taken...

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