англискии. зад 4 и зад 5 плиз



Ответ дал: marinavishnya


2) Their books are on the table

3) Our umbrellas are there

4) Our dresses are on the bed

5) Your cups are in the cupboard

6) Their cars are in the yard


a man- men

a tooth - teeth

a mouse - mice

a goose - geese

a sheep - sheep

a child - children

a foot - feet

a woman - women

Ответ дал: 01anonimka10

Номер 4:

2) Their books are on the table;

3) Our umbrellas are there;

4) Our dresses are on the bed;

5) Your cups are in the cupboard;

6) Their cars are in the yard;

Номер 5:

a man- men;

a tooth - teeth;

a mouse - mice;

a goose - geese;

a sheep - sheep;

a child - children;

a foot - feet;

a woman - women;

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