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Transform these sentences into passive or active voice.
1. They make Rolls Royce cars in England.
2. Rice is grown in China.
3. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876.
4. Thieves have stolen 2 pictures from the museumlast night.
5. The factory will produce 10,000 cars next year.
6. She was given this watch by her aunt.
7. British policemen don’t carry guns.
8. Periodic Table was devised by Mendeleev.
9. They will publish the news tomorrow.
10. They were doing this experiment yesterday at 9am.


Ответ дал: PolinaTwix777
1. Rolls Royce cars are made in England.
2. They grow rice in China.
3. Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
4. 2 pictures have been stolen by Thieves from the museumlast night.
5. 10 000 cars will be produced by the factory next year.
6. Her ant gave her this watch.
7. Guns aren't carried by British policaman.
8. Mendeleev devised Periodic Table.
9. The news will be published tomorrow.
10. This experiment was being done yesterday at 9 am.
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