помогите мне придумать диалог двух старушек,смотрящих одну и туже мыльную оперу((

Аноним: Любой диалог? Неважно какая мильная опера и что автор должен донести диалогом?


Ответ дал: makethemusiclou
1st- Oh look at that actor's play. Isn't it nice?
2nd- Yes it is. Whom of this actors do you like the most?
1st- I like this singing woman. Her voice is so unusual.
2nd-I like her too, but this man in hat is so cute. Has he got wife, how do you think?
1st-Hey, he's so young for you, but you look very beautiful!
2nd-I don't mean seriously. It was a joke. I liked this opera very much
1st- Me too
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