Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form



Ответ дал: wasjafeldman

1. If you finished your work,you could come with us. I doesn't look like it'll be done in time,though. (Second Conditional)

2. If it hadn't rained,the flowers wouldn't have died. (Third Conditional)

3. I would go there,if I were you. (Second Conditional)

4. If you go to the lecture today,please take good notes. (Zero Conditional)

5. You'll have to move if you get that promotion. (First Conditional)

6. If the other driver had been looking,he wouldn't have been hit our car. (Third Conditional)

7. He won't come to the party if Tessa is invited. (First Conditional)

8. If the house were warmer,I wouldn't have to wear a jacket inside.(Second Conditional)

9. If you had been more careful,you wouldn't have made so many mistakes. (Third Conditional)

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