Choose the correct variant (write only verb forms with pronouns if it is necessary):

1. Cathy doesn’t drive / is not driving a car.

2. It is not raining/ doesn’t rain now.

3. The children are talking / talk to their parents now.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИЗ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: cake2003
Cathy doesn't drive a car. (Она вообще не водит машину, поэтому Present Simple)
It is not raining now. (Now является показателем Present Continuous)
The children are talking to their parents now. (здесь тоже Present Continuous из-за now)
Ответ дал: vikatish

1. Cathy doesn’t drive a car.

2. It is not raining now.

3. The children are talking to their parents now.

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