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С предложениями:
My mother (be) a doctor , she (leave) home at nine o’clock.
In the evening we (gather) in the living room.We (watch) TV and (talk).
Nick and Jack (be) my close friends. We (be) classmates.
Nick (be) interested in football. He (play) football every day.


Ответ дал: helpmepleaseiamdull
1. My mother is not a doctor, she does not leave ...
My mother is a doctor, she leaves ...
Is my mother a doctor? Does she leave ...
2. In the evening we did not gather ... We did not watch TV and talk
In the evening we gathered ... We watched TV and talked
Did we gather...? Did we watch TV and talk?
3. Nick and Jack are not ... We are not...
Nick and Jack are... We are...
Are Nick and Jack ...? Are we classmates?
4. Nick is not ... He does not ...
Nick is ... He plays
Is Nick ...? Does he play...?
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