задача по английскому языку раскройте скобки используя present indefinite или future indefinite Tense.



Ответ дал: nunny

No2. Раскройте скобки используя Present Indefinite или Future Indefinite Tense.

1. If Peter (comes) to my place, we (shall go) to play in the yard.

2. If Peter (does not come) to my place, I (will watch) TV.

3. If Frank's parents (have) their holidays in summer, they (will go) to the seaside.

4. If they (have) their holidays in winter, they (will stay) at home.

5. If the fog (thickens), Harold (will put up) the tent for the night.

6. When I (finish) my work, I (will go) to the cinema.

7. We (will buy) this book as soon as our mother (gives) us some money.

8. When we (come) to your place you (will show) us your present.

9. I (will return) you your ring when you (ask) me.

10. I (will wait) for my friend until he (comes) from the shop.

11. My father (will start) writing before the sun (rises).

12. As soon as you (finish) your study I (will present) you with a new flat.

yoogtosha: огромное спасибо что так быстро и акуратно
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 comes-will go 2 doesn’t come -will watch 3 have-will go 4 have-will stay 5 thickens -will put up 6 finish -will go 7 will buy -gives 8 come-will show 9 will return -ask 10 will wait -comes 11 will start -rises 12 finish -will present

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