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Ответ дал: nunny

2 Fill in the missing prepositions.

Tom went along the streets, his thoughts were full of his night's dreams. When he came near the gates of the palace, he saw a good-looking boy behind the bars of the gates. One of the soldiers gave him a blow and pushed him away from the gates. Tom fell over. The young prince jumped over/to the gates. The soldiers let Tom in. The prince took Tom into his cabinet and ordered one of the servants to bring food for Tom. For the first time in his life he ate such good food. The prince asked Tom many questions about his life, about his parents, and whether his parents were good to him. When he saw a bruise on Tom's hand, the prince ran out to punish the soldier who had done it. But the soldier took him for Tom and pushed him out.

On that day Tom got up hungry and went away hungry. His thoughts were full o f his night’s dreams, his usual

dreams about palaces, kings and princes. He went along

the streets but he did not see where he was going.He

took one turning, then a second one, and then he walked

straight on and on.By and by he cam e to the square in

the centre of the city.

There he saw Westminster — the king’s palace. He

had always wished to see a king’s palace. Here was the

king’s palace! Could he hope to see a prince now — a

real prince?

At each side of the gates stood a guard. There were

many men, women and children standing around the

square. They hoped to see the Prince of Wales or some

other member of the royal family.

Poor little Tom in his rags came up to the gates.

Suddenly he saw a good-looking boy through the bars

of the gates. He was beautifully dressed. On his head

he had a bright red cap.

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