Раскройте скобки
1. Ann (speak) French very well
2. Is Tom (sleep) now
3. Jane (meet) with Tom since 12 years old
4. The weather (not warm)
5. Next week the family (not spend)
6. Two months ago the children (swim) in the sea
7. The ship (build) by builders
8. I (not watch) the film yet
9. Father (help) his son before mother came
10. The school (visit) by parents tomorrow


Ответ дал: Lincrafting

1) Ann speaks French very well.

2) It Tom sleeping now?

3) Jane has been meeting with Tom since 12 years old.

4) The weather isn't warm.

5) Next week the family won't spend [Странное предложение: "Следующую неделю семья (не тратить).]

6) Two months ago the children swam in the sea.

7) The ship was built by builders.

8) I haven't watched the film yet.

9) Father was helping his son before mother came.

10) The school will be visited by parents tomorrow.

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