Choose the correct form, A, B or C, to complete the sentence.

1. We seem to be completely lost. What_____________ now?
2. Just think, this time next week we __________taking a taxi to the airport.
3. As soon as we he ar any news, we__________ you know.
4. The new film of Hamlet starring Johnny Depp _________- next week.
5. Same scientists believe that they __________ a wre for most types of cancer by 2050.
6. __________ a press conference about aur new discovery on Tuesday.
7. Look at that helicopter! It _________ on the sports field!
8. In a year's time I__________ in the music industry.
9. Hold on to the camera _________ drop it.
10. We _______ a new area in the Zoo where visitors will be able to get closer to the animals.

1. A. are we going to do B. are we doing C. will we do
2. A. are going to take B. take C. will be taking
3. A. are letting B. will have let C. will let
4. A. will have come out B. comes out C. will come out
5. A. discover B. are discovering C. will have discovered
6. A. We'll have held B. We hold C. We're holding
7. A. will land B. is going to land C. lands
8. A. am going to work B. am working C. will be working
9. A. You drop B. You're going to drop C. You'll be dropping it
10. A. open B. will have opened C. are going to open


Ответ дал: trepakovpetr

1)  A

2) C

3) C

4) B

5) C

6) C

7) B

8) C

9) B

10) C

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