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Dear Tom,
We went (to go) for a fantastic week in the Lake District after my family ______ (to spend) three days in Chester. I _____ (to look) forward to going to the lake because I _____ (already/to be) there before and _____ (to enjoy) the trip very much. My first day was a great surprise. Late  in the evening people ______ (to leave) their tents to watch strange lights in the sky. The lights ______ (to fly) for some time, and then ________ (to fly) away. Nobody ______ (can) explain what they were. Another interesting moment was when I ________ (to watch) birds over the lake through a telescope. We ______ (to be) happy to have sunny and warm weather. During the week I _______ (to swim), ______ (to fish) and ________ (to go) sunbathing  a lot. I _______ (to enjoy) the time in the Lake District. Now I miss the friends that I _______ (to make) during my stay there. 
I hope to see you soon.
Best wishes,


Ответ дал: galina572319
Dear Tom,
We went (to go) for a fantastic week in the Lake District after my family had spent three days in Chester. I looked forward to going to the lake because I had already been there before and  enjoyed the trip very much. My first day was a great surprise. Late  in the evening people left  their tents to watch strange lights in the sky. The lights were flying for some time, and then  flew away. Nobody could explain what they were. Another interesting moment was when I was watching birds over the lake through a telescope. We were happy to have sunny and warm weather. During the week I was swimming , fishing and going sunbathing  a lot. I enjoyed the time in the Lake District. Now I miss the friends that I had made during my stay there. 
I hope to see you soon.
Best wishes,
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