помогите пжл read about Helen's holiday in Australia in 1986. choose the correct words.
HELEN When/was/were thirteen my best friend was/were Amanda. We was/were in the same class at school. In 1986 Amanda and I was/were on holiday in Australia and there was/were a beach party near our hotel. There wasn't/weren't any other English people there-they were all Australian. There was/were one very good-looking man called Greg. He wasn't/weren't very friendly at first-but two years later we was/were husband and wife! Our daughter, Rebecca. was/were born four years later in Perth, where we live now. It was/were her thirteenth birthday yesterday!​

Ksu2k17: Написан ли текст правильно? Вспомогательные глаголы was/were пишутся на начале предложения только если оно вопросительное. Также я не поняла начало


Ответ дал: mikirin94

when was

was Amanda

we were

Amanda and I were

there was a beach

weren't any other

was 1 very

wasn't very friendly

we were husband

Rebeca was born

it was her 13th birthday

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