Помогите с английским пожалуйста!! Очень срочно...........!!!!!! Максимальные баллы



Ответ дал: lyudkinvn

1 I will call from Hawaii as soon as I arrive at the hotel.

2 I will phone if I am n town.

3 If you change your mind, we won't be angry with you.

4 When Vera finds out the necessary information, she'll let you know.

5 He will raise an alarm as soon as he sees the intruder.

6 I won't tell you the story until you promise to keep it a secret.

7 If you don't stop asking me silly questions, I won't be able to finish the job.

8 Robert will go playing football after he writes the essay.

9 If you eat another ice cream, you will have a sore throat tomorrow.

10 You will get into trouble f you don't follow your mother's advice.

11 When Professor Floyd receives a letter of invitation to the international conference, he will apply for a visa.

vikukyakaletina: Спасибо большое !)
lyudkinvn: ))
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