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Ответ дал: ozodaerkinova6

I wasn't born in April. Was I born in April?

We weren't at the theatre on Sunday. Were we at the theatre on Sunday?

He wasn't a Hollywood star. Was he a Hollywood star?

I wasn't late for the bus. Was I late for the bus?

You weren't angry  at my words. Were you angry at my words?

I wasn't  happy. Was I  happy?

He wasn't very  busy  last  week. Was he  very busy last week?

I wasn't very poor at that  time. Was I very popular at that  time?

They  weren't  good students. Were they good  students?

I wasn't on duty on that day. Was  I on duty on that  day?

We weren't  on holiday  in August.  Were we on holiday in August?

I wasn't  eager  to make  a career. Was I eager  to make a career?

She  wasn't in great  shock. Was she in a great shock?

I wasn't in love with that girl. Was I in love with that  girl?

He  didn't use to be my best friend at school. Did he use to be my best friend at school?

This building didn't use to be a factory.  Did  this building  use to be  a factory?

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