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Ответ дал: nunny

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the first conditional form.

a Ken (will not go) to Barcelona if he (does not pass) his exams.

b If my friends (come) with us, we (shall have) a really good time.

c If Sonia (falls) down the mountain, she (will not forget) it!

d David (will not go) out this evening if he (does not finish) his homework.

e If the film (starts) at nine o'clock, we (shall have) time to eat our dinner.

Аноним: чо за слова в скопках ?
nunny: Убери скобки - вот и весь фокус.
Аноним: ладно
Аноним: но зачем ты их писала
nunny: Это ты их писала, а не я.
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