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Ответ дал: DrSashaRudaev
We have just had lunch.
We haven't seen the film yet.
He hasn't read the book yet.
We have already heard the news.
I have just bought the present to my friend.

DrSashaRudaev: готово
borisenkova5: Ого, спасибо большое
borisenkova5: Во 2 упражнении, кстати, 1 предложение 1 пропуск неправильно
borisenkova5: Там не is learning
borisenkova5: У меня выдаёт ошибку
Ответ дал: hellberry16

we have just had lunch

we hadn't seen this film yet

he didn't read this book yet

have you already heard the news?

I have just bought this present for my friend

Вас заинтересует