Очень срочно!!
Вставить пропущенные слова:

1.A plane travels ... than a train.
2.She ... the ladder and broke her leg.
3.We ... Independence Day at the cinema last Monday.
4. ... the tallest bulding ... your city?
5.".... , Mr Morrison?" "Very well, thank you."
11.Why ... go to Cairo this summer?
12.This restaurant is ... expensive ... that one.
13.My flat is big, but yours is much ... mine.
17.It's hot today but it was ... yesterday.
19.".... was he when he died?" "37".


Ответ дал: mikirin94


2 climbed

3 saw

4 What is, in

5 How is

11 do you

12 more than

13 bigger

17 not hot

19 How old

не знаю точно ли, так как слов нет

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