You have received a letter from your english speaking pen friend andrew its mothers day next week,or Mothering Sunday.Dad and I are busy preparing a real surorise holiday for Mum.We have already made a special menu for the day and bought a great present for her
How is Mother s Day celebratied in Russia?What present do you usually give to your Mum?What other holidays do you celebrate as a family?
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
СРОЧНО НАДО!!! 54 Балла даю)


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

Dear Andrew,  

Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you.

You asked me about Mother's Day. Well, I think it is a great holiday. I know how difficult it is to find a good present for mother. Mother’s Day in Russia is celebrated every year in November. People give their mothers different gifts and flowers. As for me, I usually give my mum some handmade things, such as a shopping-bag or an oven mitten. Our favourite family holidays are birthdays, Christmas, New Year and Easter. Our family enjoys time we spend together.  

Best wishes,

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