I have just...



Ответ дал: Nelia2019

Hi Julia. Thank you for youe letter. I was so happy to hear good news from you.

Sure I would like to visit London. Hope one day I will be there.

I want to visit the most famous places such as London Eye, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. Because I think these places are amazing.

I would like to know more about Kingdom of Great Britain and Royal family.

And I prefer to stay in a good family with kids because as for me it is better to improve my English and to get more experience.

See you soon.

Best regards dear Julia.

Ответ дал: Sam765

Dear Julia,

    Thank you for your recent letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

    In your letter you asked me some questions, connected with London. Which I answer with great pleasure! I have always dreamed to visit this big industrial city and to live at least 3 days. There are so many intereisting places, for example: Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey and other. But my favourite sight, I think, is Westminster Abbey. Here you can see many decorations and graves where famous writers were buried. And to be honest I would like to stay in a hotel, because there is calmer, I think.

    And now I want to ask you some questions. Where do you want to enter?

Have you friends there? What is your hard part in English?

    Anyway, I have to visit my granny's house. Write back soon!

Best wishes,


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