помагите по англискому пж дам 20баллов ​ задание



Ответ дал: polinashevel

1 задание:

1) composer

2) writer

3) player

4) dancer

5) winner

6) programmer

7) singer

8) cooker

2 задание:

1) sings

2) writer

3) dancer

4) composer

5) painter

3 задание:

1) Serena Williams wins a lot of tennis matches.

2) Bill Gates programs compuers.

3) Danielle Steel writes romantic books.

4) Anderw Lloyd Webber composes music.

5) Gerhard Ritcher paints pictures.

6) Gordon Ramsey cooks amazing food.

7) Placidi Domingo sings in operas.

4 задание:

1)My mom used to be a ballet dancer.

She danced in Bolshoi.

2)Alexander Pushkin is a famous Russian writer.

He wrote many fairytales for children.

3) My classmate wants to be a programmer.

He is going to program computers.

5) I am a singer.

I like to sing different songs in the shower.

6) My best friend is a winner now.

He won in an important competition.

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