Прочитайте отрывок из письма ,которое вы получили от английской подруги по переписке по имени Оливия.Напишите ей письмо и ответьте на её вопросы.
Отрывок: ...I think it is very difficult to choose a future job. I don`t know what job I want to do in the future. What about you? Do you think it's difficult to choose a job? What do you want to be when you leave school? What character traits are important for this job?


Ответ дал: wenera22

I think that choosing the future job is very difficult. I want to be the programmist . I must know the mathematics and computer science. You must choose the job what you like. If you gonna work on the profession  you don’t like, you will start to hate it. Nothing is better than the job you would prefer to get. I hope you are going to find the future job. Bye!

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