Fill in when or if.
Example: .... it rains this evening, I won't go out. – If it rains this evening, I won’t go
1. I'm sorry you've decided to go away. I'll be very sad
............ you leave.
2. Tom might call this evening. ........... he does, can you take
a message?
3. I think he'll get the job. I'll be very surprised ............ he
doesn't get it.
4. I hope to be there by 10:30. But ............ I'm not there, don't wait for me.
5. I'm going shopping. ........... you want anything, I can get it for you.
6. I think I'll go home now. I'm feeling very tired. I think I'll go right to bed ............ I
get home.
7. I'm going away for a few days. I'll call you ............ I get back.
8. I want you to come to the party but ........... you don't want to come, you don't have


Ответ дал: U1y

1. when

2. if (не точно)

3. when

4. if

5. if

6. when

7. when

8. if

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