помогите пожалуйста перевести с прямой речи в косвенную вопросы:1)what does the picture show?2)what are the people doing?3)what are the people wearing?4) How are they feeling?5)whats your name?6)where are you from?7)what do you do?8)have we met before ?9)have you got any brothers or sisters?10)is your sister single/married?11)How old are you?12)Have you been living here long?13)Do you like basketball?14)Are you new here? заранее спасибо.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

He asked me what the picture showed.

She wanted to know what the people were doing.

I wondered what the people were wearing.

He wanted to know how they were feeling.

She asked me what my name was.

They wanted to know where I was from.

He asked me what I did.

She wanted to know if they had met before.

I wondered if you had got any brothers or sisters.

They asked her if her sister was single/married.

She asked me how old I was.

They asked me if I had been living there long.

I wandered if he liked basketball.

She wanted to know if I was new there.

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