Вставьте артикли пжлст
1) The longest river in ... USA is ... Mississippi.
2) Do you play... guitar?
3) There is... meeting in the club today.
4) Would you like... cup of coffee?
5)... Urals divide... Asia and ... Europe.
6) He reads... Telegraph regularly.
7) We work for... same company.
8) When do you usually have... supper?
9) We heard ... latest news on ... radio.
10) Every Sunday our family go to... church.
11) Is ... English more difficult than ... French language?
12) Luckily ... advertisements were ready in ... time for... exhibition.
13)... T/typist is a person who types... letters and ... reports.
14) Browns Ltd is ... large company in ... Park Street. It makes... furniture.
15)... Port of London is to... east of... City.
16) Have you seen Hamlet at... National Theatre?
17) Is ... Everest... highest mountain peak on our planet?
18)... C/coffee we had this morning was Indian.
19) Ann fell in love with George at... first sight.
20) I couldn't come. I had ... toothache.
21) Will you answer... following questions, please?
22)... G/ground is covered with leaves in autumn.
23) I live in ... Apple Avenue.
24) I don't like... milk, and never have any.
25) Where did you get... milk? It's very delicious.


Ответ дал: sitkinv

1) The longest river in the USA is the Mississippi.

2) Do you play the guitar?

3) There is a meeting in the club today.

4) Would you like a cup of coffee?

5)The Urals divide Asia and Europe.

6) He reads the Telegraph regularly.

7) We work for the  same company.

8) When do you usually have supper?

9) We heard the latest news on the radio.

10) Every Sunday our family go to  church.

11) Is English more difficult than the French language?

12) Luckily advertisements were ready in  time for the exhibition.

13) A typist is a person who types letters and reports.

14) Browns Ltd is a large company in  Park Street. It makes furniture.  

15)The port of London is to the east of  the city.

16) Have you seen Hamlet at the National Theatre?

17) Is  Everest the highest mountain peak on our planet?

18)The coffee we had this morning was Indian.

19) Ann fell in love with George at first sight.

20) I couldn't come. I had a toothache.

21) Will you answer the following questions, please?

22) Ground is covered with leaves in autumn.

23) I live in Apple Avenue.

24) I don't like milk, and never have any.

lostysvlad: @sitkinv может поможешь ещё? у меня в профиле есть ещё три задания на артикли, буду крайне благодарен, баллы те же самые(25 ставил)
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