Помогите пожалуйста.
Put the words in correct order to make guestions.
1) you/ a/ video game? / bought/ Have/ new;
2) seen/ Have/ the/ Harry Potter/ first/ you/ film?
3) to/ recently?/ Has/ the cinema/been /she;
4) a poem/ you/ written/ or/ a song? / Have;
5) sold/ over/ copies?/ Has/ one million/it
6) he / in/ TV programme?/ a/ Has/ appeared


Ответ дал: Айзиля2007

1) Have you bought a new video game?

2) Have you seen the first Harry Potter film?

3) Has she been to the cinema recently?

4) Have you written a poem or a song?

5) Has it sold over one million copies?

6) Has he appeared in TV programme?

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