Помогите пожалуйста с английским.Читайте, что Шарон говорит об ее свободном времени.​



Ответ дал: worldstar829

1) Usually she goes for a walks with her friends

2) Yesterday at 5 o'clock they went to the ZOO.

3) It takes them an hour to get there.

4) They  enjoyed themselves.

5) She always tired when she gets home.

6) After dinner she reads newspapers.

7)  She's trying to spend her free time interesting.

Ответ дал: Nastenkapl

1) Usually she goes for a walk with her friends

2) Yesterday at 5 o'clock she and her family went to the ZOO

3) It takes takes an hour to get there

4) They enjoyed themselves

5) She's alway tired when get home

6) After dinner she reads newspapers and magazines

7) She's trying to spend her free time interesting

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