заполните пропуски в предложениях,используя have got в соответствующей форме. 1. Every part of a human body ... its own function. 2. Jane ... the first grade. 3. A runner ... strong legs. 4. I cant buy this book now. I ... money. 5. John studies and works. He ... much time for rest. 6. Whats wrong with you? I ... something in my eye. 7. Tom ... a higher education, so he cant do this work. 8. Its a nice sports centre. It ... a swimming pool, two sports grounds, changing-rooms, two gyms and so on. 9. Kate is at the dentists. She ... toothache. 10. Julia worked too much. Now she a headache. 11. John is going to the doctor. He ... a stomachache. 12. Im not going to the University today. I ... a bad cold. 13. I ... many friends, so I am always busy.


Ответ дал: worldstar829
  1. has got
  2. has got
  3. has got
  4. haven't got
  5. has got
  6. have got
  7. has got
  8. has got
  9. has got
  10. has got
  11. has got
  12. have got
  13. have got

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