пожалуйста с переводом

Open the brackets, put verb into correct form of the Present
Continuous Tense.

1) My friends____ (organize) a birthday party at the moment
2) Said _____(buy) a present for his mother.
3) Idris and Fatima____ (not eat) ice cream, they are doing
4) Amir and I______ ( not water) the trees in the garden,
we_____ (relaxing).
5) I____ (enjoy) the party now
6) My mother______ (not make) a cake, she’s cooking dinner.
7) You ________(not get) a birthday present, you _______(get)
a birthday card.
8) We ____(not ride) a horse, we _____(ride) a bike.


Ответ дал: wasjafeldman

1) My friends are organizing a birthday party at the moment. (Сейчас мои друзья организовывают вечеринку по случаю дня рождения)

2) Said is buying a present for his mother. (Саид покупает подарок для своей мамы)

3) Idris and Fatima aren't eating ice cream, they are doing  homework. (Идрис и Фатима не едят мороженое,они делают домашнее задание)

4) Amir and I aren't watering the trees in the garden, we are relaxing. (Амир и я не поливаем деревья в саду,мы отдыхаем)

5) I am enjoying the party now. (Я сейчас наслаждаюсь вечеринкой)

6) My mother isn't making a cake, she’s cooking dinner. (Моя мама не делает торт,она готовит обед)

7) You aren't getting a birthday present, you are getting  a birthday card. (На день рождения ты получишь не подарок,а открытку)

8) We aren't riding a horse, we are riding a bike. (Мы ездим не на лошади,а на велосипеде)

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