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Ответ дал: lyudkinvn

11) Where is the Dolphinarium exactly?

12) It stops outside the Dolphinarium.

13) How much does it cost?

14) Can we take a photo with the dolphins?

15) Thank you for your help.

Ответ дал: p0tat0es

A: Good morning, the Dolphinarium.

    What can I do for you?

B: Hello, I'd like some information, please.

A: Certainly

B: Where is the Dolphinarium exactly?

A: From the town centre, take the number 12 trolleybus.

    It stops outside the Dolphinarium.

B: Okay.

    How much does it cost?

A: Tickets are 3000 Tenge for adults and free for children under 5.

B: Can we take a photo with the dolphins?

A:  Yes, you can.

B: Thank you for your help.

A: You're welcome. Enjoy your visit.

queenmrhvcg: спасибо, не могли бы еще ответить на один мой вопрос?
p0tat0es: Какой
queenmrhvcg: просто у меня Соч, я и так плохо написала Сор 2 боюсь что будет тройка
queenmrhvcg: по профилю не сможете ответить
p0tat0es: Я посмотрю, смогу или нет..
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