Complete the text. Use the correct SECOND CONDITIONAL form of the verbs in brackets.

Many scientists are worried about global warming. The consequences could be serious. If all the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions 1________ (melt), sea levels 2_________ (rise) and cause terrible floods. If sea levels 3_________ (rise), people living in coastal areas 4_________ (lose) their homes. The melting ice would also affect the temperature of the sea. If the sea 5_________ (get) colder, the northern half of the world 6________ (freeze). There would be terrible snow storms and millions of people 7_________. (die).


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

Many scientists are worried about global warming. The consequences could be serious. If all the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions 1 MELTED, sea levels 2 WOULD RISE and cause terrible floods. If sea levels 3 ROSE, people living in coastal areas 4 WOULD LOSE  their homes. The melting ice would also affect the temperature of the sea. If the sea 5 GOT colder, the northern half of the world 6 WOULD FREEZE. There would be terrible snow storms and millions of people 7 WOULD DIE.

grenki476: Спасибо вам. Довольно сложная тема, вы очень помогли!
Juliyasha11: Рада помочь. Запомните Conditional II — в придаточной части употребляется Past Simple,( V2 или Ved) в главной : Future in the Past ( would+V1)
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