Помогите пожалуйста
I would love to be rich enough to buy ..................I wanted.
We had a great time in Botswana. The people were nice ………..we went.

Ex. 2 Fill in the correct preposition: IN, OF (2), FROM, TO,
You have involved me …... a great deal of extra work.
I’ll never forget your kindness ……... me.
Fifty passengers had to be rescued ……. a sinking ship.
The roads are very icy so take care …… yourself when you drive home.
I'm thinking …….. moving to Sydney.
Ex. 3 Fill in the gaps with the correct particle
Mr. Simon sent me to check ... the new restaurant.
He checked …. at the Europa Hotel.
I sent Mary to check ….. the kids.
One by one he checked them ….. on his register.
We checked….. the hotel at noon.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

....to buy everything.....

.....nice everywhere we went

..... involved me in......

......,kindness to me...

...... rescued from....

......take care of.....

.... thinking of .....






В последнем задании я не очень уверена.если что,прости)

timon7901: Спасибо большое
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