Cрочно,помогите пожалуйста! Task 1. Fill in the correct word: store, stadium, tent, snack, library, palace, cottage, sports centre, gallery, university halls of residence. There are two words you don't have to use. 1. Prince William and Princess Kate live in Buckingham _________ . 2. There is a big departament ________ near my house. We often do the shopping there. 3. My grandparents live in a _________ in the countryside. 4. When my family go fishing we always sleep in a ________ . 5. I usually exercise at the __________ to keep fit. 6. We can see a lot of works of art in the Tretyakov ________ . 7. If I want to have a ________, I go to the fast food retaurant. 8. The opening and closing ceremony of the Olympiad – 2014 was at Fisht _________ .


Ответ дал: AlesyaD

1 palace 2 store 3 cottage 4 tent 5 sports centre 6 gallery 7 snack 8 stadium

Ответ дал: nastyaivanyyy
  1. palace
  2. store
  3. cottage
  4. tent
  5. sports centre
  6. gallery
  7. snacs
  8. stadium вроде
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