29 Write prepositions in, at, on to complete the word combina- tions. 1. in the evening 2. Monday morning 1216 September 3.ght 4 fiveo'clock 5 St Valentine's Day 15. half past three 6. March 7. 2014 8.the afternoon 9.holiday 10. 12.30 a.m 11. Easter 13. Saturday night 14. a hot day 16.New Year's Eve 17.the end of the week 18.1988 19.a quarter to six 20. the weekend​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. in the evening

2. on Monday morning

3. at night

4. at five o'clock

5. on St Valentine's Day  

6. in March

7. in 2014

8. in the afternoon

9.  on holiday

10. at 12.30 a.m

11. at Easter

12. on 16 September

13. on Saturday night

14. on a hot day

15. at half past three

16. on New Year's Eve

17. at the end of the week

18. in 1988

19. at a quarter to six

20. at the weekend​ (в американском английском часто on the weekend)

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