Read these sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct word.

Example 0. She is _________ to work today (able).

Answer 0. unable

1. We were given very information (adequate).

2. What do you know about products (metallic)?

3. He's when it comes to computers (literate).


Ответ дал: Volga2018

1. We were given very inadequate information.  

2. What do you know about non-metallic products ?

3. He's illiterate when it comes to computers.  

tasangaziev72: Read these sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct word.

Example 0. She is _________ to work today (able).

Answer 0. unable

1. We were given very information (adequate).

2. What do you know about products (metallic)?

3. He's when it comes to computers (literate).
tasangaziev72: среди вот этих слов надо написать
tasangaziev72: We were
tasangaziev72: What do
tasangaziev72: He's when
Volga2018: посмотри на свой образец: able - unable
tasangaziev72: не non-metallic
tasangaziev72: а nonmetallic
Volga2018: у этого слова два варианта написания; точно также есть существительное в двух вариантах написания: nonmetal и non-metal.
tasangaziev72: фа почему ты написала non-metal а не nonmetal
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