Помогите пожалуйста сделать всё эти задания !!! Очень очень срочтно



Ответ дал: kunikidadoppo

1) 2. She has been studying since breakfast.

3. She has been playing since morning.

4. He has been working for ten hours.

5. They have been playing since 10 o'clock this morning.

6. He has been cooking for 2 hours now.

2) Rachel has been shopping since 12:00.

Andrew has been washing a car for one and a half hours.

Louise has been cooking since 1:00.

John has been sending text messages for half an hour.

3) 2. He's been walking in the rain.

3. She's been sneezing since yesterday.

4. They've been redecorating it for the last month.

5. It's been raining all morning.

6. They've been waiting in a queue for more than three hours.

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