1. Look! Nick is reading a book.
2. Yesterday Ann went for a walk with Mary.
3. Your mother cooks dinner every day?
4. I think tomorrow he will not come.

2051696: где текст
Ashle352: Зачем текст? На листочке это задание и надо сделать в форме утверждения, отрицания и вопроса!


Ответ дал: 2051696
СМОТРИ НА ФОТО + подписка
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1. Look! Nick is reading a book.

2. Yesterday Ann went for a walk with Mary.

3. Your mother cooks dinner every day.

4. I think he will come tomorrow.


1. Look! Nick isn’t reading a book.

2. Yesterday Ann didn’t go for a walk with Mary.

3. Your mother doesn’t cook dinner every day.

4. I think he won’t come tomorrow.


1. Is Nick reading a book?

2. Did Ann go for a walk with Mary yesterday?

3. Does your mother cook dinner every day?

4. Do you think he will not come tomorrow? Или Will he come tomorrow? Или Won’t he come tomorrow?

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