1)They live in England and they are good friends.
отрицание и вопрос.
2) When Sam goes to the cinema, he takes Jim with him.
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Ответ дал: olgadali

1. They don't live in England and they are not good friends.

   Do they live in England and are they good friends?

2. When Sam goes to the cinema, he doesn't take Jim with him.

    Does Sam take Jim with him when he goes to the cinema?

5678046: Там же не goes, a go в последнем предложении
olgadali: нет. там должно быть goes
Ответ дал: 5678046

1)Do they live in England and are they good friends?

The don't live in England and they aren't good friends

2) When Sam goes to the cinema, he doesn't take Jim with him

When Sam goes to the cinema, does he take Jim with him?

Good luck

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