Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

1. We (have) a meeting at 7 o'clock tonight. Can you come?

2. she (wtite) three letters since this morning.

3. i think you are right but paul (not/ agree).

4. don't disturb him. He (to work) at his report now.

5. excuse me, (you/ to speak) English?

6. bob is very tired. He (work) all day long.

7. marie isn't s Canadian. She (come) from France.

8. i wonder how Julie is getting on. I (not/ hear) from her for nearly a week.

9. he (lose) his keys. He can't get into the house.

10. i (wait) for you for two hours. Where have you been?


Ответ дал: kunikidadoppo
1. have

2. has written

3. doesn't agree

4. he's working

5. do you speak

6. was working

7. comes

8. haven't heard

9. lost

10. was waiting

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