Составьте вопросы, пожалуйста

1. I started my job five years ago. (When)
2. I paid a lot for the computer. (How much)
3. Mrs Robinson taught foreign languages. (What)
4. Istarted university straight after school. (When)
5. We often went to the cinema last month. (Where)
6. Mike chose several English books. (Which books)
7. Jack told something interesting about the accident. (What)
8. I university. (When) 9. Mary made some spelling mistakes her test. (Where) 10. We had dinner very early at 5 o'clock yesterday. (What time) 11. He came early after his work. (When) 12. She took somebody's notebook by mistake. (Whose) 13. Last time I met Peter in January. (When) 14. I found my umbrella under the table. (Where) 15. They went to the British Museum last week. (Who) 16. David watched DVD last night. (Who) 17. Suzy went shopping yesterday. (Who) 18. The fish restaurant was good at the local restaurant. (Where) 19. He was born in this nice town. (Where) 20. It was a very warm day yesterday. (What)​


Ответ дал: Vicky004

1. When I started my job? I started my job five years ago.

2. How much I paid for the computer? I paid a lot for the computer.

3. What Mrs. Robinson taught? Mrs Robinson taught foreign languages.

4. When I started university? I started university straight after school.

5. Where we we often went last month? We often went to the cinema last month.

6. Which books Mike choose? Mike chose several English books.

7. What Jack told? Jack told something interesting about the accident.

8. I university. (When) (A? Я университет, что?)

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