Помогите!Раскройте скобки в прошедшем времени, пожалуйста.​


raik199x: в каком именно прошедшем времени не сказано?
Nichaghfutjgu: Past Simple,простите забыла написать.


Ответ дал: raik199x

13 when did you usually leave home?

14 was

15 how did  your wife be in 1989?

16 took

17 what did  your parents be?

18 were

19 gathered

20 did your mother be a housewife?

21 watched

22 did you speak german last year?

23 did she speak italian yesterday

24 what did your girlfriend like?   liked

25 were

26 where did he study? studied

27 what did he be? was

28 what car did she have?

29 was. He didn't went to school

30 was

31 were

32 was

*там где просто стоит слово, пишешь вместо скобок

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